The Family Photo Mystery

Vintage Family


The other day  I inherited about 150 old family photos and my granddads family tree. The photos are all beautiful. My great great auntie Nellie loved to take photographs of her husband and other family members and some how, they all got passed onto my grandad, and my mum rescued them from his house clear out and I rescued them for the secondary clear out from my mums house. That slightly complex set up to my first ever post outlines the struggle, dear reader, that I took to get them to my house right here (including a sainsburys carrier bag on the tube). Because the thing is, I have no idea who any of them are.Like seriously who are you guysI kind of had this vain hope that if I put the family tree back together* I would be able to connect some of the dots. I know what Nellie looks like and but that her husband. She also organised some of the photos together in a book that’s seriously increds.Nellie you are such a bamfI mean look at these sassy distant children relations having vintage beach funLOLZ

Vintage fmlAnd these dogs two oh my life

But seriously though I have no fucking idea where to start. I tried grouping it in people I do know but that was pointless so then I did putting similar looking people together but also shit, and then i did by subject like weddings and fat children but seriously no I have no idea where to go with this.

There is this one photo however of Nellie’s sister (do I know her name? like fuck I dont) which my mum said I either took or she burnt it. I kid you not, this little girl actually died shortly after this was taken from a brain haemorrhage  And now she’s coming to steal your soul through your eye balls. how about nope.Plus there’s the ghost relations that we kept secret with the drowning man in the background.vintage trollAlso how’s this for a great big do not want? All this is pretty strange and weird. This is going to be an ongoing mystery that I shall keep you posted on whether you like it or not. I don’t know where to go with any of it so I thought I would end on a relationship. On the back of this photo in that beautiful copperplate handwriting I could only dream of having is this:

“A good girl loves her brother

But I so good have grown 

I love another girl brother

[For/far] better than my own”

I’m hoping for secret lesbians.


* (it was seriously in bits and I had to jigsaw it back together, I did it when I was watching Mo on 4od amazing film except that half way through I realised there was no way I was ever going to finish putting the tree back together if I didn’t stop.)

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